Final Project Idea

29 Mar 2022

This is a collaboration between Gaila, Michelle, Kristyn, and Cameron

Overview (including “The problem” and “The solution”)

The problem: UH Manoa students need to travel from all over Oahu. There needs to be a simple way to organize your routine tasks for daily commutes to campus. For example, it may take 30 minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast, and pack your bags before leaving your home.

The solution: A web app designed to manage your daily tasks in a clean, simple, and visually appealing manner. This app would organize your tasks like a planner using blocks similar to how classes are organized on STAR registration.

“Special sauce” would include special tasks only related to the user. For example, grabbing a cup of coffee would only be accessible from the user’s profile.

Mockup page ideas

Use case ideas

Beyond the basics